CB Group
The meteorites of this newly designated group are named for their type
specimen Bencubbin, which has been found in Australia in 1930.The
bencubbinites are strange meteorites that contain more than 50%
nickel-iron. If you consider this, they could be easily regarded as true
stony-irons, but their mineralogical and chemical properties clearly put
them into the clan of the carbonaceous chondrites, or more strictly
speaking into the CR clan. Besides the free metal, they contain highly
reduced silicates as well as armed chondrules similar to those found in
the members of the CR group. Some members of the CB group also contain
CAIs; e.g. the meteorite HaH 237 from Libya, which was previously
classified as a metal-rich CH chondrite.
NWA 1814
Apr. 1999, Morocco
170 g
CB - Bencubbinite


NWA 1814-00
120.15 gr
Main mass covered with fusion cruts ! Similar to The type specimen "
on request
NWA 1814-01
20.45 gr
Very nice crusted endcut with the famous silicate inclusions