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Press ReleasesOur meteorites have received much attention on an international level. Especially, the find of our second Martian meteorite, NWA 817, a stone that proves to contain ancient Martian water, yielded many reports and articles in renowned newspapers and magazines throughout the world. More recently, several articles on our fourth Martian meteorite, NWA 1068, a stone that represents a previously unsampled Martian rock type, were published. Have a look at some selected articles that can be viewed online:
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Articles in EnglishAstronomy.com - January 29, 2002
Five Martian Meteorites Identified Meteorite hunters have discovered five more Mars rocks on Earth, bringing the total number of known Martian meteorites to 24. In Morocco, French meteorite hunters recovered several pieces of rock totaling 654 g which are all part of one meteorite. Called NWA 1068, the meteorite is greenish-brown, containing fine grains and large crystals with volcanic inclusions. >> read this article...
Martian rocks bonanza Scientists have found five new Martian meteorites. One of the rare rocks was picked up by veteran Mars rock finders Bruno Fectay and Carine Bidaut of France. They found one now catalogued as Northwest Africa 1068 (NWA 1068), in the Western Sahara. >> read this article... Discovery Channel - January 28, 2002
More Pieces of Mars Found Five more chunks of the planet Mars have turned up on Earth, report meteorite scientists who plan on presenting their discoveries at a scientific meeting in March. Although the newest members of the Martian meteorite family are mostly from Antarctica, there is also one Saharan meteorite. >> read this article... CNN.com/Space - January 25, 2002 Rock hunters bag five Mars meteorites Exploring the coldest and hottest places on Earth, space rock hunters have found five new meteorites from Mars, bringing the number of known stones from the red planet to 24. Bruno Fectay and Carine Bidaut of France bagged one of the most recent finds, known as NWA 1068. The amateur collectors have recovered numerous Mars rocks in the past. >> read this article... Martian meteorite may contain water A meteorite found in the Western Sahara may contain water that could have come from below the surface of Mars, French researchers say. Discovered last December, meteorite NWA 817 weighs 104 grs. A detailed analysis of various forms of hydrogen within the rock suggests it was exposed to water from below the surface of Mars. >> read this article... Amateurs beat Nasa to Mars meteorites TWO French adventurers have beaten Nasa in the search for meteorites from Mars to produce evidence that will shed light on the evolution of the Red Planet. In the cut-throat world of "star hunting", Bruno Fectay, 30, and Carine Bidaut, 25, have found four of only 20 Martian meteorites ever found on Earth. >> read this article... Meteorite points to water on Mars A meteorite found in the western Sahara contains water that may have come from below the surface of Mars, French researchers said on Tuesday. It is the fourth meteorite to be identified as a nakhlite, a Martian mineral, the National Institute for Sciences of the Universe (INSU) said, confirming a report in the daily Le Monde. >> read this article... Newly-found meteorite may point to water under Martian surface A meteorite found in the western Sahara contains water that may have come from below the surface of Mars, French researchers said Tuesday. The rock, weighing 104 grammes (three and a half ounces), was discovered by French meteorite hunters last December. >> read this article...
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Articles in FrenchLa France collectionne les météorites NWA 817. C'est le matricule d'une météorite découverte dans le Sahara, l'année dernière, par un couple de Français, Carine Bidaut et Bruno Fectay. Analysé par cinq laboratoires, ce caillou de 104 grammes proviendrait du coeur de Mars et prouverait que sous la croûte de cette planète - et non en surface - il y aurait eu de l'eau. >> read this article... Des pierres de Mars dans le champ français Elles viennent de Mars et sont tombées sur le nord du Sahara. Elles ont été dénichées par un couple de chasseurs de météorites jurassiens, Bruno Fectay et Carine Bidaut. Deux pierres pesant respectivement 100 grammes et 300 grammes environ, qui ont commencé à livrer leurs secrets aux chercheurs du Cnes et du CNRS. >> read this article... Une météorite contiendrait de l'eau provenant du coeur de Mars Deux chasseurs de météorites français, Carine Bidaut et Bruno Fectay, ont découvert dans le Sahara un petit caillou de 104 grammes provenant de l'intérieur de la planète rouge. Plusieurs indices conduisent les scientifiques à penser qu'il contient des traces d'eau martienne. >> read this article... Carine Bidaut et Bruno Fectay, chasseurs de cailloux venus d'ailleurs L'histoire des nouvelles météorites martiennes est d'abord celle de deux purs autodidactes. Enfant, Bruno Fectay ramassait tous les cailloux qu'il trouvait, se livrait à des expériences de chimie sauvage en mélangeant divers produits, cultivait des champignons sous son lit et cherchait la pierre philosophale pour transformer en or la plus vile matière. >> read this article... Sciences et Avenir - June 10, 2001 Chasseurs de pierres Il y a quelques semaines, une météorite noirâtre de 104 grammes est devenue la nouvelle star des astronomes. Ce caillou martien révèle en effet des traces d'altération par l'eau. >> read this article... Articles in SpanishUn meteorito de Marte tendría agua Astrónomos del Instituto Nacional de Ciencias del Universo, de Francia, encabezados por el doctor Phillipe Gillet, afirmaron que el meteorito NWA 817, descubierto en diciembre del año último en el desierto del Sahara, podría contener agua proveniente del interior del planeta Marte. >> read this article... Articles in GermanExpeditionZone - June 20, 2001 Enthält Marsmeteorit Wasser? Ein im Dezember entdeckter Meteorit könnte Spuren von Wasser beinhalten, das tief aus dem Inneren des Mars stammt. Gefunden wurde der Meteorit namens NWA 817 von französischen Forschern in der Sahara. >> read this article... Articles in DanishTo nye Mars-meteoritter fundet Der er fundet endnu to Mars meteoritter og fire måne-meteoritter, skriver det nyeste nummer af Meteorical Bulletin. Den mest interessante af de nye meteoritter er den kaldet NWA 817. >> read this article...
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